...as you can see, Amanda and I enjoyed "Our First Snow Day" together today. From the time that we first got engaged, we both talked about how excited we were for all our "firsts" that lied ahead in the future. One of these "firsts" that we have been looking forward to was sharing our first snow day together.
If you know anything about North Carolina winters, you'd know that every winter the local weathermen jump the gun, sound the trumpets and every North Carolinian races out the door to their closest neighborhood grocery store to loot the bread aisle.
99.9% of the time, no precipitation.
If you know anything about North Carolina winters, you'd know that every winter the local weathermen jump the gun, sound the trumpets and every North Carolinian races out the door to their closest neighborhood grocery store to loot the bread aisle.
99.9% of the time, no precipitation.

I'm sure this won't be the last time that Amanda tells me "I told you so." And might I add, that when Amanda woke up this morning, she was very excited about saying "I told you so."

Although both of us had to work-from-home today, we were able to take a nice work break to watch the inauguration and watch a movie. If you know me, if I stay inside too long, I typically am prone to come down with severe cases of Cabin Fever. As you can see in the pictures, we ended up getting around 3"-4" inches - which equates to roads, schools and many businesses being closed for the day. Lucky for me, snow or sun, the U.S. Postal Service stays open and Amanda had to send off a couple packages - which meant one thing: I got to test out my truck for the first time.